


Video Presentations: Here we have persons that share on the coming Apophis. Return to Tom Horn’s page. IMPORTANT: BAJAN EAGLE SHARES HOW TO ESCAPE GOD’S WRATH with his Message – Presentation 4.

1. Mom introduces her sweet little 6-year-old girl Mireille who shares the visions and messages the Lord has given her. She does not mention wormwood but we believe this is what the Lord showed her. What is interesting about her message is that she was told she would be taken out and away from the Asteroid danger (rapture). (8:49)

2. God told Mireille to share this song – “People Get Ready” (6:01) . Listen to other inspired songs. 

3. TTGM’s administrator Trevor Sealy (Bajan Eagle) shares what happened to him when his stroke occurred and his hospitalization experience. He then shares his Part 1 message on Wormwood/Apophis with the African Diaspora Development Institute (ADDI). (Presentation Length – 41:00 | Entire – 2:43:12). Bajan Eagle’s Part 1 presentation notes.

Responsive YouTube Video

4. TTGM’s administrator Trevor Sealy (Bajan Eagle) shares what he was given by the King during his hospitalization. This is Part 2 to his fellowman. You will hear how to avoid what is coming in these last days (God’s wrath). “People get Ready” (1:03:09). Bajan Eagle’s Part 2 presentation notes.

Responsive YouTube Video

Presentation 4 start points


  1. Breaking the Ice – 2:44
  2. The Book (where do we get our authority from) – 9:22
  3. How are we approved by God? – 23:33
  4.  My Message to my Fellowman.- 25:28
  5. Where are we in these last days? – 53:59

Associated Links

Censored Info on this site by the Elites/Powers/Google:  
Tom Horn’s prophecy about Wormwood
Bajan Eagles’s Message to his fellowman (Avoiding Wormwood)
Bajan Eagle’s book called “It is Truth”
Bajan Eagle’s website HOME
The Google censoring of Bajan Eagle

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Be no longer deceived, we invite you to read "It is TRUTH". Be prepared in truth before it is your turn to go onto the other side.

This book touches on a number of critical subjects that are taught in Christendom and it shows how man’s deception has twisted the word of God. If you want to worship God and follow Jesus (Yeshua) in spirit and in TRUTH, this book is for you. In reading the book I pray you understand God’s word as God intended.

This book is also fact-based. Evidence to support what is stated will be shown both biblically and historically by links and references to authoritative sources.

Contents include the following:
The commandments and the Torah | Deception in the church
Why would iniquity keep you out of Heaven? | Are you in God’s will?
Do you have the heart of an adulterer? | Are you thinking marriage?
What is true marriage? | Is polygamy sin in the eyes of God?
The right and wrong way to become one flesh and much more.

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