

Pope Pius IV

(1499 – 1565), born Giovanni Angelo Medici, was Pope from 25 December 1559 to his death in 1565. He is known for presiding over the final session of the Council of Trent (The Reform Of Matrimony).

Early life
Giovanni Angelo Medici was born in Milan on 31 March 1499 as the second of eleven children to Bernardino de’ Medici and Clelia Serbelloni. He was not closely related to the Medicis of Florence.

Giovanni Medici was the younger brother of condottiero Gian Giacomo Medici, and the maternal uncle of Charles Borromeo. Medici studied philosophy and medicine in Pavia.

After studying at Bologna and acquiring a reputation as a jurist he obtained his doctorate in both canon and civil law on 11 May 1525. Medici went in 1527 to Rome, and as a favourite of Pope Paul III was rapidly promoted to the governorship of several towns, the archbishopric of Ragusa (1545–1553), and the vice-legateship of Bologna.

In April 1549, Pope Paul III made Medici a cardinal. Under Papal authority, he was sent on diplomatic missions to Germany and also to Hungary..

Extract taken from here


Understanding Biblical marriage (before the Pope “reformed” it)

The definitions of Adultery and Fornication were redefined to facilitate the pope’s marriage law of 1563

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