Pg 1 | Pg 2
by Bajan Eagle,
My Fellowman,
Page 2 is showing you how Facebook is going out of its way to censor Bajan Eagle. They are not only censoring my ministry’s page; they are also stopping my ability to make money.
IMPORTANT: Google is censoring My Message (see Google vs DuckDuckgo). You can visit the page here; Presentation 3 & 4 (2 parts). You can visit my Ministry’s page on Facebook. – The Truth of the Gospel Ministry.
Showing Facebook Censoring
Bajan Eagle uses hashtags (#BajanEagle and #OEW_properties) for people to find all his OEW properties. Bajan Eagle found out that no properties were showing that had the hashtag #BajanEagle in the content. So after finding this, Bajan Eagle removed the #BajanEagle hashtag and the property showed as recorded below using the company’s #OEW_properties hashtag. Bajan Eagle proceeded to remove all his #BajanEagle hashtags from all his properties.

After removing Bajan Eagle’s hashtags to get the properties showing, the very next day, Facebook went to work. Right now I found ALL of my OEW’s hashtags no longer work. Now the $100,000,000,000,000 Facebook does not want the Bajan to eat. Why my company hashtags? We were killed in the dark ages for having God’s word. Most of Yeshua’s disciples were killed for sharing God’s word. Yeshua was killed because He was the Word. Nothing has changed. It is the truth. Visit the page with My Message; Presentation 3 & 4 (2 parts). The next image shows you #OEW_properties hashtag no longer working.

Censored Info on this site by the Elites/Powers/Google:
Tom Horn’s prophecy about Wormwood
Bajan Eagles’s Message to his fellowman (Avoiding Wormwood)
Bajan Eagle’s book called “It is Truth”
Bajan Eagle’s website HOME
The Google censoring of Bajan Eagle – pg 1
The Facebook censoring of Bajan Eagle – pg 2
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Understanding how to gain the gift of ETERNAL LIFE (SALVATION)
Read about the Many (to Hell) and the Few (to God’s Kingdom)
Understanding the Old and New Covenant – Explaining the Gospel
Understanding what is Iniquity (not keeping the commandments of God/Torah)
Why the FEW keep the commandments as written in the Torah (videos – watch the first).
A historical account that explains why the modern church moved away from the Way (the commandments of God) – watch the first video
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Be no longer deceived, we invite you to read "It is TRUTH". Be prepared in truth before it is your turn to go onto the other side.
This book touches on a number of critical subjects that are taught in Christendom and it shows how man’s deception has twisted the word of God. If you want to worship God and follow Jesus (Yeshua) in spirit and in TRUTH, this book is for you. In reading the book I pray you understand God’s word as God intended.
This book is also fact-based. Evidence to support what is stated will be shown both biblically and historically by links and references to authoritative sources.
Contents include the following:
The commandments and the Torah | Deception in the church
Why would iniquity keep you out of Heaven? | Are you in God’s will?
Do you have the heart of an adulterer? | Are you thinking marriage?
What is true marriage? | Is polygamy sin in the eyes of God?
The right and wrong way to become one flesh and much more.
To get your free copy go to LuLu
To support our Ministry buy the Kindle ebook from Amazon book store – Paperback is also available. You can also give away this book as a gift to family and friends.