

God and His Two Wives

Video Presentations: Pete Rambo shows from scripture God having two wives.

1. 5X God describes HIMSELF as a Polygamist! Read His Book Authority, Headship, and Family Structure from Amazon.

2. Two Brides, One Stone

Authority, Headship, and Family Structure (According to Moses)

Western culture has been on a steady moral decline for at least the last fifty years. The causescan be debated, however the collapse of the family structure and the rise of radical feminism isunquestionably a major factor. Today, masculinity is regarded as toxic and anything that hints atpatriarchy is immediately attacked with a vigor that can only come from the fires of hell.It is this extreme venom against masculinity and patriarchal structure, coupled with theincreasing collapse of society, that should clue the average person in to the fact that there mustbe a deeply spiritual reason why the Enemy of our souls hates the authority structure God put inplace even before the Garden of Eden. Clearly, God has a purpose for ordering family and Hispeople in a certain way.This book is a study through the Books of Moses, coupled with the much broader message ofScripture, to demonstrate that God is very intentional and very consistent in His design for theroles of man and woman. Get your copy of Authority, Headship, and Family Structure from Amazon.

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Be no longer deceived, we invite you to read "It is TRUTH". Be prepared in truth before it is your turn to go onto the other side.

This book touches on a number of critical subjects that are taught in Christendom and it shows how man’s deception has twisted the word of God. If you want to worship God and follow Jesus (Yeshua) in spirit and in TRUTH, this book is for you. In reading the book I pray you understand God’s word as God intended.

This book is also fact-based. Evidence to support what is stated will be shown both biblically and historically by links and references to authoritative sources.

Contents include the following:
The commandments and the Torah | Deception in the church
Why would iniquity keep you out of Heaven? | Are you in God’s will?
Do you have the heart of an adulterer? | Are you thinking marriage?
What is true marriage? | Is polygamy sin in the eyes of God?
The right and wrong way to become one flesh and much more.

To get your free copy go to LuLu

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