

What is marriage God's way?

The following is a response to a friend (Kevin) of TTGM who questions points made in a post on marriage.

Apologist Response to Kevin

Completed by TTGM – 03.08.2024

Here is the TTGM post.

Sharing on Marriage

I had a discussion with a pastor on Sunday (Jul 28, 2024) about what marriage is. He was saying that marriage today is the same as in the days of Moses and Jesus. I never engaged him on that foolish statement. I stayed on my point that the way of marriage was changed by the pope in 1563. I also showed him (through his brother) the 1563 law that changed us from God’s way.

Again I say, Christians carry the Bible, they do not follow it.

After I made my point about the 1563 law he follows, I told him in not so many words, we can meet again on where marriage starts. Now it looks like he runs. So many run from me.. sad 😞

I will speak about the ceremony, which includes the marriage feast.

It begins.
The groom comes to the do. A sheet is spread on the bed. The groom goes into the bride. She bleeds (she was not a knock around; virginity was a treasure in the Kingdom). The blood goes on the sheet after penetration and it is given to the bride’s parents as proof (Deut 22:17). After this process is complete, the wedding feast starts.

The pope came along in 1563 and screwed up the marriage process. The nuts in the church building tell us it is sin to do it God’s way. I call them look-good buffoons. When we are judged it will be done by God’s law, not man’s.

I shared this link with the pastor’s brother. You will learn how God sees marriage through His word.

Why would they f.ck (Gamo) first before the party to be married (Gamos)? THINK. Have a look at Gamo and its relation to Gamos.

This is for the few that want to know the truth.


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Kevin wrote this in response to our post above (KW):

It’s not true that people did not take oaths before God in order to be married before sex, before 1563.
That’s a ridiculous assertion.
It’s also false to say that Paul is teaching in 1 Cor. 6:16 that if one lies with a prostitute that he is now married to the prostitute. Actually Paul calls sleeping with a prostitute sexual immortality.
You’re also profane using the word f*Ck throughout your writing.

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TTGM responds (TR) to what Kevin wrote (KW).

1. It’s not true that people did not take oaths before God in order to be married before sex, before 1563. That’s a ridiculous assertion.

Where in scripture are we commanded to take an oath regarding marriage? Concerning swearing and oaths – Swearing under oath is to make a promise, up there with marriage vows held in a church.  

Should church-building people make oaths/swear? What does our King say about swearing?
[Matt 5:34-37 (KV)]
But I say unto you, Swear NOT at all; neither by heaven; for it is God’s throne: 35 Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King. 36 Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black. 37 But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.

What examples are there in the word of God that show us about getting married with an oath?

Did Abram and Hagar stand before a pastor/priest/court and two witnesses (1563 law) to be husband and wife?
(Gen 16:3-4 [KJV])
And Sarai Abram’s wife took Hagar her maid the Egyptian, after Abram had dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan, and gave her to her husband Abram to be his wife. 4 And he went in unto Hagar, and she conceived: and when she saw that she had conceived, her mistress was despised in her eyes.

Did Jacob and Bilhah stand before a pastor/priest/court and two witnesses to be husband and wife?
(Gen 30:4-5 [KJV]) 
And she gave him Bilhah her handmaid to wife: and Jacob went in unto her. 5 And Bilhah conceived, and bare Jacob a son.

Did Isaac and Rebekah go into the tent to fix a wedding date or did they go into the tent to become husband and wife? We know Kevin and our pastor friend believe a wedding date was set.
(Gen [24:67])
And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah’s tent, and took Rebekahand she became his wife; and he loved her: and Isaac was comforted after his mother’s death.

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2. It’s also false to say that Paul is teaching in 1 Cor. 6:16 that if one lies with a prostitute that he is now married to the prostitute. Actually Paul calls sleeping with a prostitute sexual immortality.

If you visited our page called “Sex is becoming one flesh” you would see there is a right and a wrong way to become one flesh. We will copy the write-up here.

When a man joins with a woman with a commitment between the two, it is the right/righteous way to get married (become one flesh). However, if you join without commitment it is the sin of whoredom/harlotry/fornication. Note: fornication is not sex before marriage, as erroneously taught by the church today.

For the mathematically inclined:
Marriage = becoming one flesh (sex) +plus/with commitment 

Whoredom/Fornication/Harlot = becoming one flesh -ve/without commitment

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3. You’re also profane using the word f*Ck throughout your writing.

Well too bad. The word f.ck is used all the time and it is well understood in our world today.  TTGM is not Christian, we are about the truth. WE SAY IT AGAIN: We at TTGM carry the Bible and we FOLLOW it. Christians carry the Bible, but they DO NOT follow it. 

TTGM wrote to Kevin the following before he (Kevin) wrote his statement.

“I tell you people I will take it all down if you can show me my error. None come.”

Based on my Answer; Kevin you have failed and this means my pages and posts on marriage stay up. 

Why did the people in God’s Book not say an oath or say anything as such? The people of God knew full well what it meant if a man entered a woman.  So much money comes out of pope marr… “we say do more, keep fooling God’s people to your heart’s content”. 

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Biblical marriage as detailed by another.

The second stage of the marital process was called Chuppah (Coo-paah). After the groom raised the funds to pay her father he made arrangements to do it and then he set a date where they would consummate the marriage. When the consumption date arrived the groom would go to the bride’s home where she and her maidens were waiting. After he arrived he and his bride would enter the Chuppah Room to consummate their marriage. After they consummated the groom would present the virginity cloth to the chosen witnesses who would examine it and then save it for the bride. The third and final stage of the marital process begins when everyone present formed a line and followed the groom to his house where they would begin the Wedding Feast. For the first time, the bride is brought under the grooms roof to stay. His home is now her home. The Wedding Feast was a 7 day celebration in honor of the newlyweds and it featured food, desserts, and good wine.

Source website
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May you be blessed in understanding.

To our Readers
If you have any Biblical question(s) write to us at info@truthgospel.org, and we will be happy to respond. 

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