John 3:3 [KJV]
Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
Are Christians born again here and now as soon as they believe by accepting Christ?

There are three references to being born again in the new testament scripture, let us look at them as we go forward.
(John 3:3 [KJV])
Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
(John 3:7 [KJV])
Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.
(1Pet 1:23 [KJV])
Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.
Let us first confirm that the two words used in the Greek are the same in all the verses (eg. same words, same reference, same meaning).
The Greek word for born in each verse found is:
In John 3:3 and 7 the following Greek word “born” is found (John writes).
G1080 γεννάω gennao (ǰen-naō’) v.
- (properly, of the father) to procreate.
- (byextension, of the mother) to conceive.
- (figuratively) to regenerate.
[from a variation of G1085]
KJV: bear, beget, be born, bring forth, conceive, be delivered of, gender, make, spring
The Greek word for “again” in each verse found is:
In John 3:3 and 7 the following Greek word translated “again” is found (John writes)
G509 ἄνωθεν anothen (a’-nō-then) adv.
- from above.
- (byanalogy) from the first.
- (byimplication) anew.
[from G507]
KJV: from above, again, from the beginning (very first), the top
However, in 1 Peter 1:23 the following Greek word is translated “Being Born Again” (Peter writes).
G313 ἀναγεννάω anagennao (a-na-ǰen-naō’) v.
- tobeget.
- (byextension) to bear (again).
[from G303 and G1080]
KJV: beget, (bear) X (again)
We note that the Greek word for “being born again” in Peter is different to what was used in John: the word construction is different. However, strong’s concordances notes that G313 used in Peter has a root association with the word G1080 as used in John.
The question is; are the two writers referencing to the same subject? We will need to look at the description to see if there are any similarities.
In the book of John we find the following:
TTGM: The following verses confirm that Jesus was speaking about a second birth and in the future tense. (John 3:5 [KJV]) (John 3:6 [KJV]) |
In 1 Peter we find the following:
TTGM: The following verse confirms that the people being addressed were redeemed and described in the past tense. (1Pet 1:19 [KJV]) (1Pet 1:20 [KJV]) (1Pet 1:21 [KJV]) (1Pet 1:22 [KJV]) TTGM: The following verse confirms the “present” (use of “Being Born Again”) state of the believer that Peter is addressin., Note also he states that their present condition came about by an “incorruptible seed” – all in the past tense, meaning now they possess what they have. Reference here to corruptible (flesh) and incorruptible (spirt) ties in to the two births, 1st by the flesh and 2nd by the Spirit. (1Pet 1:23 [KJV]) |
Pre Conclusion:
Both letters from the apostles speak of a second birth, Jesus speaks of being born again of the Spirit to get into the Kingdom of God and Peter makes mention of being born of incorruptible seed (IMPORTANT: being redeemed because of it). From the connecting root word in Greek (G313/G1080 ) it is clear that Peter is saying to the believer that they are born again (reference to Jesus’s words to Nicodemus) there and now (present continuous); Also and more importantly, they are redeemed because of it. Being redeemed gives you the right to enter into the Kingdom of God.
TTGM: Note that Christ has (again past tense) redeemed us (believers) from the curse of the law. Also, because of redemption, we can now receive the promise of the Spirit (here and now). This is the second birth, the incorruptible seed spoken about earlier in this document by Peter. (Gal 3:13 [KJV]) TTGM: Note the promise of the spirit after redemption (2nd birth). (Gal 3:14 [KJV]) TTGM: Jesus confirms that the spirit will be given not tomorrow but in the present as we live on this earth. As we walk, the world (presently) cannot see him. (John 14:16-17 [KJV]) |
What exactly is the Kingdom of God?
We must touch on what exactly is the Kingdom of God? We will let scripture answer this question.
(Luke 17:20-21 [KJV])
And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: 21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
(Luke 13:29 [KJV])
And they shall come from the east, and from the west, and from the north, and from the south, and shall sit down in the kingdom of God.
(Luke 18:17 [KJV])
Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.
Final Conclusion:
The Kingdom of God is IN the believer and secondly, it is a physical place to be. In Mark 4:11 it is called a mystery. The Word of God is the spoken will of the Father. When the believer accepts the Word (from the sower), the Word resides in him. The Kingdom of God according to the word is practiced by the believer. When the physical Kingdom of God (place) is established on earth, the followers of Christ would already know and have the way of life in and part of them. We do observe that people do not experience the born again phenomenon at the same time they speak the words, “I accept Jesus in my heart”, also known as the sinners’ prayer. TTGM believes the Holy Spirit only moves in after a person has truly resolved in their mind and heart to follow Christ (put him first). Watch presentation 3.
This example from Israel’s past should help us in better understanding this mystery:
Someone once said, “it was easy for God to get Israel out of Egypt, but it proved difficult getting Egypt out of Israel. The Kingdom of Egypt resided in Israel even thought they were on their journey to the promised land. After a while on their journey, they wanted to be back in Egypt; why? Because The kingdom of Egypt was still in them.
When the Kingdom of God is in you, your wish and your desire would be towards this place (Kingdom of God).
(Mark 4:11 [KJV])
And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables:
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Read about the Many (to Hell) and the Few (to God’s Kingdom)
Understanding the Old and New Covenant – Explaining the Gospel
Understanding what is Iniquity (not keeping the commandments of God/Torah)
Why the FEW keep the commandments as written in the Torah (videos – watch the first).
A historical account that explains why the modern church moved away from the Way (the commandments of God) – watch the first video
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Be no longer deceived, we invite you to read "It is TRUTH". Be prepared in truth before it is your turn to go onto the other side.
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The commandments and the Torah | Deception in the church
Why would iniquity keep you out of Heaven? | Are you in God’s will?
Do you have the heart of an adulterer? | Are you thinking marriage?
What is true marriage? | Is polygamy sin in the eyes of God?
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