Welcome to the Truth of the Gospel Ministry. Here are additional topics that we hope will interest you. The
information is meant to give you an eye opening understanding as to what we
believe in light of the word. We look at what is taught as well as the historical
perspective in light of scripture; to determine what is truth and what is
not. Feel free to contact us if you need
clarification on any of the following articles. Enjoy, be enlightened and
most of all be blessed. |
What everyone should know about Marriage This article on
marriage was an eye opening experience for us at the Truth of the Gospel
Ministry. We caution the reader as this information will challenge all that
you have come to understand about marriage and divorce. We will take you to a
question and answer page, where “Jesus” himself answers the questions on
marriage in 2015; with his own words. We hope you will find this approach
interesting and informative. |
What everyone should know about Meditation (Yoga & TM) Many in the west
have adopted the practice of Yoga and Transcendental Meditation (TM) as part
of their exercise program in meditation. They are told that if they practice
these “exercises, they will improve both in mind and body. But is this true?
What we have now are churches getting involved (in a little different way).
Unsuspecting believers are encouraged to meditate in way that will bring them
closer to God. But is this Biblical? In the following link we examine a leaflet that was sent to church members,
inviting them to a sunrise get together.
What everyone should know about HIV to AIDS? - Video
We are told that
AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease. We are also told we need to be treated
when the AIDS virus is detected. TTGM now examines these claims; are they
true? WARNING: Having sex (or knowing) with multiple persons for the fun of it
is not recommended. Intimacy requires a life long commitment if you are in the
Kingdom of God. These presentations are for those that have an ear to hear.
What every woman should know about FEMINISM – Video
Before the 1970s, most women in the western culture related
to men in submission - to his will and way. A group called the women’s
liberation movement was born in these early years and their agenda was
driven to change the status quo. TTGM looks at this group and calls it an
ideology, which we also refer to as the “feminist movement”. Fast forward
to NOW, where are we as a people and as men, are we better off? Watch the
following presentations that have been selected to educate the ignorant. –
What every Black Hebrew/Jew should know – Video
From time to time we hear about “black Jews” who are born
from the tribe of Judah. TTGM found a video that catches a man claiming to be
from the tribe of Judah schooling two young female Mormons; only wishing that
the ground would open. They were totally out schooled at this man’s front
door. What this video does is show the error in believing the doctrine of the
“black Jew”.
What everyone should know about Christmas and other heathen days - Video (New)
Christmas is a joyous time for Christians around the world.
The question is, what does the bible say about this day? Should we be obedient
to the Word of God or should we follow after the traditions of man. Let us
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only
begotten Son, that whosoever
believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" -------
ARTICLES -------
------- Copyright © 2003-2020 Truth of the Gospel
Ministries. All rights reserved. All quotations have been taken from the "King
James Version" of the Bible |